About the choir

The Madrigal Choir of Binghamton has been known for its beautiful singing in New York’s Southern Tier for over 40 years.  Rooted in a cappella music, the 45-voice auditioned choir, led by Dr. Bruce Borton, performs music from Palestrina and Gesualdo to Lauridsen and Whitacre for a faithful audience of all ages. The Madrigal Choir performs a variety of styles from medieval chant to Broadway, in languages ranging from Latin to Mandarin!

The Madrigal Choir rehearses in Binghamton’s beautiful Trinity Memorial Episcopal Church and performs there, along with other venues in the Southern Tier. The choir frequently performs with other area musical organizations including the Binghamton Philharmonic, the Binghamton Community Orchestra, the Trinity Choir, Simple Gifts, and others.  Our singers of all ages are educators, physicians, pastors, SUNY professors and choir directors, to name a few, who enjoy coming together on Sunday afternoons to perfect our craft and immerse ourselves in the joy of singing and fellowship with one another.

A typical year includes Fall and Spring themed concerts, the annual Thanksgiving weekend Lessons and Carols performance, as well some special smaller events through the year.

Of course, this has been anything but a “typical” year.  At first silenced by Covid-19, the MCOB gathered forces and studied how we could sing safely while the pandemic raged on – and we found that we could do that virtually!  2020 saw the first virtual Lessons and Carols (link), as well as other shorter videos.  While we look forward to being able to sing safely in person together, Summer 2021 will feature another virtual performance sponsored by the Broome County Arts Council, called “Music From Our Own Backyard: A Virtual Concert of Music by Binghamton Composers and Arrangers.”

We look forward with hope for the return to live concerts in the fall, when we can once again strive toward our goal of “Singing for the Soul.”  To find out what we’re doing now, please see our News tab.  We hope you will come along the journey with us, in person or online!